If you’re about to have some Newport Beach dental implants fitted, you may expect to spend a few weeks adjusting to them. Surprisingly, most patients adapt to their prosthetic teeth in a matter of days.

There is a lengthy period between having the implants and the prosthetic teeth installed, but this gap is easily managed.

Can everyone have Newport Beach dental implants?

Dental implants feel great once they are installed, and can really give you your confidence back. Not everyone will be able to have them, however.

Good oral hygiene is a key requirement to stop plaque building up. You also need a strong jaw bone to accommodate the implants.

A quick appointment with Dr. K. Schneider will help you to decide whether implants are for you.

The difference between Newport Beach dental implants and dentures

The main difference between dental implants and dentures is that implants are installed into your jaw bone and are not removable.

Implants consist of metal inserts, and provide a solid foundation for prosthetic teeth. This can make chewing more comfortable.

If you’re interested in Newport Beach dental implants, contact Dr. K. Schneider today.